Some of our most frequently asked questions.
Why is my account so high?
You may have a hidden leak. The first step is to assess if you have a water leak:
Check meter reading is correct.
Check for any visible leaks.
Check for any hidden leaks by:
read meter last thing at night
read meter first thing in the morning
Any difference in the two readings will indicate the quantity of water consumed. Be mindful to account for night time bathroom trips!
Check reticulation for leaks. Read meter before and after to be aware of how much water is used in a full reticulation cycle.
What do I do if my meter is damaged?
If your meter has been damaged and you still have sufficient water to your property, please contact us.
If the damage is interrupting the supply of water to your property, please call us on 9780 9500.
Where is my meter located?
Your meter is generally located about half a metre in from the front property boundary.
What do I do if my meter is missing or has been stolen?
If your meter is missing or you believe it has been stolen, please call us on 9780 9500.
Can my water meter be moved?
It may be possible and each case will be assessed on its merits. Fees will be applicable. Please contact Aqwest for more information on 9780 9500.
I have low water pressure, what should I do?
Aqwest is responsible for delivering water of an adequate pressure to water meters, so carry out the bucket test to determine low pressure.
Sometimes properties are elevated above the water meter and this may account for a drop in pressure inside the home. This would be considered a problem with a private water service.
Likewise, corroded pipes or old galvanised iron private water services can cause low pressure inside the home. Licensed private plumbers can be engaged to look at these types of low pressure problems.
The Bucket Test
Fill a 10-litre bucket from the tap nearest your water meter. If it takes 30 seconds or longer to fill, the pressure may be low. Please call Aqwest to report a low pressure problem. The problem could be due to a break in the area. In this case Aqwest will advise when normal services will be returned.
Do we have water efficiency measures?
Like most other urban areas in Western Australia, there is a watering roster to allow two days of watering a week before 9am and after 6pm.
The two day watering roster does not apply to bore users, but the 9am to 6pm daily restriction still applies.
There is also a Winter Sprinkler Switch-Off which applies to all scheme and bore water users from 1 June to 31 August each year.
Please check the following roster for your Watering days. The last digit of your house number indicates watering days.
Pensioner and Senior Rebates - why haven't I received my rebate on this account?
Pensioners registered with Aqwest are entitled to receive a 50 percent annual rebate on the first 350 kilolitres consumed for the financial year (using the total consumption of the three accounts issued). Once 350 kilolitres have been consumed, the rebate will cease to apply until the new consumption year.
The Seniors/Commonwealth Seniors Health Card holders registered with Aqwest are entitled to receive a 50 percent annual rebate on the first 150 kilolitres consumed for the financial year (using the total consumption of the three accounts issued). Once 150 kilolitres have been consumed, the rebate will cease to apply until the new consumption year.
I am about to move house, how do I get the water connected?
Unlike other services, the water supply to a property is not disconnected when the property changes hands.
In the case of a change in ownership, the settlement agents will advise Aqwest about details of the new owner and the date the meter is to be read when ownership changes.
In the case of rented accommodation, the managing agent/owner should have the water meter read by Aqwest when a tenant moves in and out, to calculate the correct usage amount.
I would like to read my water meter weekly. Does Aqwest have a form for this?
Yes, please use our Water Consumption Chart to keep track of your weekly meter readings.
I have my own bore. Does the Winter Sprinkler Switch-Off apply to me?
Yes, the winter sprinkler restriction will apply each winter to bore and scheme water users.
How can I pay my account?
Please refer to our pay a bill page for other account payment options.
Which part of the water supply system to my property is my responsibility, and which part is Aqwest's?
Aqwest is responsible for maintaining the system from the water main up to and including the water meter. The property owner is responsible for maintaining the system between the meter and the premises.

How do I turn off my water supply?
If you are unable to turn the stop tap to the closed position (clockwise/to the right), try turning it anticlockwise first to break the seal, then back to clockwise to the closed position. If you are still unable to turn the stop tap to the closed position, please contact us.
Call us on 9780 9500 if you have a major internal leak or plumbing works planned within the next 24 hours.
Does Aqwest add fluoride to the water?
Aqwest received a directive in November 2020 from the Minister for Health to add fluoride to Bunbury's water supply by June 2024.
Further information about fluoride can be found on the Department of Health website.
Water Unit
Environmental Health Directorate
Public and Aboriginal Health Division
Department of Health WA
Phone:(08) 9222 2000
Email: [email protected]
What is water hardness?
Water hardness refers to the amount of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) in our w
ater. The amount of CaCO3 in our water affects:
how effective soaps and washing powders are to laundry, dishes etc.;
the life of hot water systems;
warranty on certain manufacturers of dishwashers.
Calcium Carbonate levels are measured in:
milligrams per litre (mg/l); or
parts per million (ppm); or
degrees hardness (dh).
Aqwest produces water around 100 mg/l of CaCO3 which makes it around the moderately soft to slightly hard range. Please see the table below.
This table shows the water hardness rating (soft to very hard) and the corresponding Calcium Carbonate levels measured in milligrams per litre and degrees hardness.