National Water Week 2024 - Accelerating Action
National Water Week is hosted by the Australian Water Association and promoted locally by Aqwest, by encouraging individuals, communities, schools and organisations to be inspired to promote the importance of water.
The 2024 National Water Week theme was “Accelerating Action”. It serves as a powerful rally cry for our community to address water's vital role in the current climate crisis.
Water Night
Water Night is a nationwide collective event, dedicated to water awareness and literacy. Held during National Water Week, from 5pm to 10pm on Thursday, the event challenges all of Australia to turn off their taps.
Water Night is a FREE event and simple to participate in. The only challenge is to keep the taps off for the duration. Utilising water for hygiene, drinking and religious purposes is permitted.
Participation in Water Night has been shown to increase water literacy, helping people value tap water more and in turn use it wisely.
To learn more or sign up, click here
The rules for the switch off are found here
Additional support themes with videos
Uniting Friends - Years K-2
6:46 min
Bluey is a bit nervous because she has never been to play at the creek before. Her friends support her on this new adventure as she discovers that this beautiful environment is a wonderful new place to play with her friends and family.
Uniting with Aboriginal Culture - Years 1-6
10:53 min
'Murrawee' means 'elder sister' in the language of the Ngarrindjeri people from the Murray River in South Australia. Through this story we see how two girls and their families interact with the same river at different points in Australian history.
Uniting a Community – Year 3+
5:54 min
The 2017 to 2019 period was the hottest and driest three-year stretch ever recorded for both New South Wales and the Murray Darling Basin. For the city of Orange located in central New South Wales, the long stretch of dry, hot weather saw water levels drop to critically low levels and the city faced the prospect of running out of water. But thanks to the community rallying around strict water saving measures, an innovative water recycling program and a relatively wet 2020, crisis has for now been averted. However, the experience shows just how vulnerable regional communities are to climate change. With climate modelling showing southern Australia will become even drier and hotter in years to come, experts argue water conservation programs like those in Orange should be the norm everywhere.
Uniting the World – Year 5+
29:00 min
Australian ultra-marathon runner Mina Guli wants everyone to know that the world is running out of fresh water. The 48-year-old athlete and CEO is on a mission to draw attention to the global water crisis. In order to do that she attempted a physical feat so extreme, most people would consider it impossible — running 100 marathons in 100 days across the world. Mina is driven by urgency: By 2030, it’s estimated the demand for fresh water will outstrip supply by 40 per cent. But when her body literally broke during marathon 62, Mina thought all was lost. Unexpectedly, the campaign took on a life of its own on social media across the globe.