Watering Roster
In Western Australia a watering roster applies to allow two days of watering per week before 9am and after 6pm.
The watering roster does not apply to bore users, but the 9am to 6pm daily restriction still applies. More information for bore users can be found here

Winter Sprinkler Switch-off
The Winter Sprinkler Switch-off applies to all scheme and bore water users from 1 June to 31 August each year.
Watering Exemptions
If you are installing a new garden or lawn you can apply for a watering exemption which will allow you to water your lawn or garden outside the watering roster, to help it establish.
Please be aware a watering exemption may afffect your water use and result in a higher water bill. Watering more often to establish a new lawn or garden without a watering exemption is considered a sprinkler breach.
Apply for a watering exemption using the form below. Your exemption will apply for up to 42 days from the day of planting during spring and summer. If your exemption is granted during autumn and winter then you are able to water for up to 35 days from the day of planting.
If you have any questions please contact us.