Aqwest holds a Community Sponsorship funding round annually to support local community groups and events.
Applications for the 2024/2025 Community Sponsorship have now closed and successful and unsuccessful applicants have been notified.
Ad hoc applications are accepted throughout the year, however allocations are subject to budget allocation throughout the funding round.
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for funding under Aqwest’s Community Sponsorship Program, groups must be :
Based within the region served by Aqwest
Providing a community service
Providing an educational, social, cultural or environmental activity
Managed by a community based committee
Not for profit*
Constituted or Incorporated*
Note: Applicants are limited to a maximum of 5 (five) consecutive years of sponsorship funding..
*Please provide the organisation ABN, business registration (constituted or incorporated body) or not-for-profit registration with your application or evidence of your organisation being run by a community-based committee, ie, minutes of meetings.
Sponsorship Expectations
Available sponsorship
You can apply for funding up to $5,000 (exc GST). There is a total sponsorship pool of $50,000 annually.
Formal agreement
Sponsorship is a business partnership and we will work with you to develop a formal agreement outlining our financial, material or staff commitment and expected benefits.
Acknowledging Aqwest
Please contact Clare Riley at Aqwest on Ph: 9780 9500 two weeks prior to arrange:
Aqwest signage to be displayed at the event or venue (minimum two weeks in advance)
Aqwest logos for your website or program (please provide proofs of any material for approval prior to printing or publication)
An Aqwest representative if required for your event
We expect acquittals within 30 days of the final date of your project, activity or event. An acquittal is a written account of how funds you received from us have been spent.
Rehydration Station
Aqwest has a Rehydration Station that may be suitable for your event. It has a 500 litre tank and eight water dispensing points. Please ensure you book this well in advance. For more information and how to book, see the Rehydration Station page of the website.
Events/Activities not supported
The following projects, activities and events will not be supported:
Those that take place outside of Bunbury.
Philanthropic causes
Political parties or lobby groups
Events or activities that are divisive
Travel or study support
Religious groups (although charitable activities conducted by religious groups will be considered)
Indirect appeals - for example charity dinners, conferences and seminars (unless they are directly linked to Aqwest business).
Events and activities that are considered to be a health and safety risk